Music on a stage or a recording is a relatively recent thing, yet it’s become the primary way we experience it. When was the last time you experienced music in another way? Musicians of course have the opportunity to engage directly in this when they see fit, families of musicians will have music-in-the-halls as a result. Have you ever asked someone to play for you? Have you asked someone to play music with you?
It’s a strange question and not really common, I’ve had the experience of being asked to play before and it’s always been impactful and profound. It’s like tapping into a deep memory we all have of playing music together. When people break out in song around you, or start moving/dancing or start crying.
The stage is all well and good, so is recorded music but let’s not forget coming together around a song, joining singing in a chorus or dancing with one another. It’s how music arrived to us and how it can still be enjoyed today.